A woman who was criticized for refusing to switch seats with a crying toddler has taken legal action against the airline and the passenger who recorded her. The viral incident unfolded on a GOL Airlines flight from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to Belo Horizonte on December 4.
Jeniffer Castro – a bank worker in Brazil – refused to give up her window seat to a young boy. The child reportedly already had a window seat in a different row but threw a tantrum, insisting on sitting in Castro’s assigned seat, News.com.au reports. The 29-year-old stood her ground, declining to swap places with him. That decision didn’t sit well with the irate mother of the child, who decided to film the exchange while berating Castro.
@antenasulfm **Eduardo Costa fez um show no interior da Bahia e, em um momento marcante, ficou cerca de 3 minutos parado observando o público. Embora algumas pessoas tenham debochado do cantor pela atitude, ele explicou o motivo: “Eu estava apenas admirando o amor e a energia que vocês estavam me passando. É por momentos como esses que eu vivo.” #EduardoCosta #Show #Bahia #Gratidão Música@Eduardo Costa